Media Appearances

Evan Hendricks

1) Jim Lehrer News Hour  May 23, 2006 show on the VA missing laptop.

2) Jim Lehrer News Hour  June 20, 2005 show on Credit Card Security Breach.

3) Credit-Reporting Agencies Create New Scoring Format - All Things Considered  March 15, 2006 • A new formatting of credit scores has been created through a partnership among the three major credit-reporting agencies, Equifax, Experian and TransUnion. Evan Hendricks, publisher and editor of Privacy Times talks with, Michele Norris about the new system.

4) Protecting against Post-Katrina Identity Theft - Morning Edition, September 8, 2005 • In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, many personal financial documents have been lost. Evan Hendricks, editor of Privacy Times, about the growing threat of hurricane survivors becoming victims of identity theft.

5) Credit Info for 40 Million Cardholders Stolen -
Day to Day, June 20, 2005 • Alex Chadwick talks with Evan Hendricks of the Privacy Times newsletter about another case of computer hackers breaching security and stealing credit card information. This time, MasterCard International reported that 40 million credit card numbers may have been stolen.
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